2723 S. State Street
Suite 150
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
ph: (734) 794-4757
fax: (734) 794-4712
In a fast-paced world, the importance of having the proper documents is often overlooked. Contracts, licenses, distribution agreements, non-disclosure agreements, non-compete agreements, independent contractor agreements, purchase and sales agreements, and purchase orders all provide important protection to your business assets and interests. Additionally, they signal the outside world--investors, customers, and competitors--that you will protect your business and business assets.
For a flat fee, we can quickly tailor many common documents to meet your needs, and comply with state and federal law.
After a simple consultation, we can draft the following documents for you:
We will review any contract or agreement that you are asked to sign.
We can provide you with representation while you negotiation business agreements, large or small. Our experience negotiating, both domestically, and internationally, is at your disposal. You can hire us to represent you for the course of the entire matter, until a document is signed. Or, you can hire us for a short period of time, to give you our perspective on your negotiations, and the potential pitfalls you may encounter.
Our document practice is flexible, allowing you to tailor our service to your needs.
Business Documents:
We can draft or customize specialized business documentation needed to protect your business.
Contract Review:
When time is of the essence, we can provide expedited contract review for you, giving you a cogent, written review to any document, overnight.
Transactional Representation:
We can accompany you during negotiations, as a core member of your business team. We will provide business experience and legal insight, providing you win-win alternatives, along with helpful advice to protect yourself.
(c) 2015-17 Heed Law Group, P.L.L.C.. All rights reserved.
2723 S. State Street
Suite 150
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
ph: (734) 794-4757
fax: (734) 794-4712